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One Doc Laser & Aesthetic

Who are they?


One Doc Medical is an award-winning, locally established laser treatment and aesthetic centre in Malaysia, focusing on acne, pores, pigmentation and aging skin. They are the No. 1 Dermacare provider for pico laser treatments, one of the fastest and most effective facials in the market alongside dermacare products formulated by experienced doctors.

They were awarded the Emerging SME Brand 2018 by The Golden Bull Awards and the 2018 Malaysian Aesthetic Medicine Growth Excellence Leadership Award by Frost and Sullivan, making them the nation’s fastest growing medical aesthetic centre.

They take pride in the expertise of credible, medical doctors that researched and formulated their medical facial treatments. Currently, they have 16 outlets across Peninsular Malaysia with a vision to expand across the Peninsula and the East, and to the shores of Indonesia, China, Vietnam and Cambodia.

Product Evaluation

SWOT Analysis



  1. High brand awareness.

  2. Credible results from testimonies.

  3. USA and Korea FDA approved.

  4. Fast and visible results.

  5. Strong social media presence.

  6. Leverages influencer marketing.

  7. Multiple outlets across the peninsular, easily accessible.

  8. Fast responses on social media.

  9. Award-winning brand.



  1. High price barrier.

  2. Continuous treatments needed for results.

  3. Dermacare product packaging doesn’t stand out.

  4. Website visual collateral is sourced from stock photos.

  5. No definitive and consistent branding image.


  1. Offline expansion: Continued growth outside of popular online presence - get into the offline realm and obtain an audience beyond just social media.

  2. Customer expansion: Reaching out to widen the customer pool to include more male customers, bridging the difference in percentage of male customers to an even split and possibly normalizing skin treatment across genders.

  3. Awareness of skincare: being certified and formulated by doctors enables consumers to be fully aware of the process and effects of the services. It will also help educate and encourage potential customers to be less wary of the treatments.

  4. New treatment attraction: The double pico treatment may attract more people to try out One Doc due to it being the first in the country and the latest technology available. 



  1. Possible interest drop (stagnation) if online presence becomes irrelevant to the current social context and without a consistent and identifiable social media presence.

  2. High price points might immediately cause potential customers to turn away from business.

  3. A barrage of many other aesthetic centres gaining higher followings and attention - pulling customers from their pool.

  4. MCO & COVID-19 hindering business due to the nature of getting treatment in person.

Based on the SWOT analysis that we have compiled, we can deduce that One Doc’s current strengths and opportunities outnumber their weaknesses and threats. In this digital era, One Doc’s strong online following on social media and application of digital marketing is definitely a boon towards increasing their brand awareness. While they do have a significant weakness - high price point, we believe that this, as well as their other weaknesses and threats could be overcome by applying the right advertising method and refining their brand identity further.

Product Differentiation

One Doc is not only locally established, but they are the biggest laser provider in Malaysia with 16 outlets across the Peninsular - namely in Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Perak, Penang and the Klang Valley. Endorsed and formulated by doctors, they are proven to have effective skin lasers with their own brand of aftercare products, which not only enhance and fix skin problems, but provide a complete overall treatment experience.


Consumer Evaluation

  • Patients with acne, acne scars

  • Patients with pores

  • Patients with pigmentation

  • Patients with sagging/aging skin

Specific Target Market


Primary Target Market

  • Ages 35 and above 

  • High income earners

  • Living in urban areas

  • Those with aging or sagging skin, bad acne scars, pigmentation problems

Secondary Target Market

  • Ages from 20 to 34 years old

  • Lower income group: just started working

  • Those with mild acne or open pores

Brand Positioning

Based on our perceptual map consisting of One Doc and its competitors, there are several deductions that could be made regarding the price point and quality of the medical aesthetics treatment for each centre. Overall, our analysis of the centres indicate that they all provide good quality treatments with credible testimonials.

The main difference lies within the price point. Beverly Wilshire Medical Centre tops the map at the highest price point, followed closely by Clique Clinic and Dr. Ko Skin Specialist, both which have around the same price range. Right below them is One Doc with comparable quality to Dr. Ko, followed by MAC Clinic with a slightly lower price point but at a lesser quality as well. Meanwhile, MY Clinic is directly within the mid-range pricing with Nexus Clinic placed below but near the mid-range pricing as well. Dr. Jane Clinic has the most affordable treatments with decent quality. 

Thus, it can be surmised that the closest competitor for One Doc is Dr. Ko since their price range is similar. However, One Doc manages to stand apart by offering extremely competitive pricing without compromising quality within the medical aesthetics field. 


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